Call for Workshop Proposals

Thanks so much for your interest in collaborating with us on programming! We are looking forward to providing workshops that are different than what’s typically offered so that Grit Fest attendees can have a unique and enriching experience.

Presentation proposals for Grit Fest 2024 are OPEN!

Please complete the form below and SUBMIT.

Deadline to submit is August 15, 2024.

BE BOLD AND CREATIVE with your submissions! Are backcountry meals and snacks your thing? Teach us! Ethical harvesting of native plants? Please! Nutrition for the athletes interested in racing? Yes! Panel discussion on intersections of social justice issues and cycling? Absolutely! Intro to bikepacking? Yes, please!

These presentations are hugely important to fulfilling the mission of Grit Fest to help marginalized riders connect with each other, the land, and the bicycle--in that order! We want Grit Fest to be more than a stoke fest and we truly want to provide attendees with meaningful learning experiences.

Please note: Grit Fest workshops are presented by volunteers. At this time, we cannot compensate workshop presenters. Presenters must purchase their own tickets to Grit Fest. This is a great way for past attendees to be involved on a higher level. Our 2023 presenters were WONDERFUL and we are excited to see what you come up with this year!

Workshop proposals can be 1-2 hours in length.

What are you going to talk about?!